How to Create a More Visual Social Media Experience

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How to Create a More Visual Social Media Experience

People love pictures. Images are popping up more and more in social media and have become an integral part of any social media marketing campaign. Sites like Pinterest have redefined the use of images online and as more users become used to highly visual marketing it is important to incorporate images into your online presence.

10 Ways You Can Create A Visual Social Media Experience
1. Add text to your photos – This is an easy way to share your message and promote your brand. Place text directly on the photo instead of writing a comment below it. That way when people share the picture your text, website, or company brand is shared with it.

2. Create a collage. – You can communicate a variety of messages in one collage. Combine images that when together, paint a clear picture of what you are selling or trying to promote.

3. Use apps – You can create a collage, edit photos, add a cool filter, and more using free apps. Try Instagram for filters and Splice for combining photos. Both apps are free.

4. Generate leads with Facebook photos – Studies have shown that photos are liked 7 time more and shared 10 times more than links. Companies like Coke have uploaded over 6,000 photos to their Facebook timeline and used it to gain fans.

5. Photo sharing contests – Incorporate a contest into your social media marketing. Start one on Facebook and Pinterest where people can upload photos of themselves using your products or services. Give out prizes and discounts to everyone that participates. You can encourage them to share your page and their photos with friends by giving a larger prize to the person that gets the most votes for their photo.

6. Share information – Use photos to educate the viewer, provide tips, or instructions on how to do something. The more informative, the more likely someone is to share it. Always brand your photos.

7. Simple landing pages – Your landing page should have graphics that pop and convey a clear and simple message, while providing a place to capture customer information.

8. Pinterest – This site has been growing in popularity and in order to participate, make sure that every blog post has a “pinnable” image. It is easy to share images and exposes your company to a larger audience.

9. Quotes – Sharing quotes is fun and easy. It also sets you apart as an authority on what you are saying. Whether serious or funny, a quote is a good way to spread your message.

10. Be personal – Share pictures of you and your companies accomplishments such as ground breaking ceremonies, awards, grand openings, new product launches and more. Make sure the image tells the story of what is happening in that moment.

Make your social media marketing strategy more visual by incorporating these easy techniques. The images you post are more likely to get shared and liked then links or messages. People enjoy sharing photos so make it easy by uploading pinnable images. We work to ensure that you have a social media marketing strategy that produces results. Creating and sharing images is only one of the ways we can help.