Give Purpose to Your Content Creation in 2014

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Give Purpose to Your Content Creation in 2014

According to Matt Cutts at Google, guest blogging as part of a link building and content marketing strategy is dead. This is just one more nail in the coffin to link building overall and a clear sign of why organic marketing is so important. In order to better understand what Google is looking for consider this, Google will promote companies and brands that add value to consumers. Google is doing whatever they can to remove spammy results. This means that if they identify a strategy, like guest blogging, as being spammy they will “frown” on those links creating a potential penalty situation. Organic marketing is important because it focuses on value, not black hat SEO techniques.

It is important to differentiate between the guest blogging strategies that Google views as spammy and those that actually work. Remember, it all comes down to value.

Content Creation Tips for 2014

Guest blogging – If you are submitting guest blog posts as part of your content marketing strategy make sure they are on a respected site and that you are delivering helpful, informative content. Use guest blog posts to educate and inspire the reader. Do not stuff them with keywords or post them just to get another link.

Press Releases – Google has come out against press releases as an SEO tactic. They are, however, still credible when used for their intended purpose. If you issue a press release because you have an important, press worthy, announcement it can give you credible exposure and potentially lead to additional stories.

Anchor text works for experts – Position yourself as an expert in your industry. When you write about a topic – know what you are talking about. Content marketing should be about delivering valuable information every time.

Infographics – Many businesses have started using infographics as a Google marketing tactic but are not using them in the correct way. An infographic needs to provide information, explain a concept, or deliver insights in a visual way that is easy to understand. If your infographic is about a simple idea that no one cares about it will be viewed as spammy just like unnatural link building.

When you are developing, your content marketing strategy for 2014 make sure that you write with a purpose. Don’t create content for contents sake, or place links on websites for link building sake. Make sure that everything you do online has meaning and will deliver value to whoever reads or sees it. This level of authenticity will be rewarded by readers and Google.

Organic marketing is here to stay and will become increasingly more important as Google identifies SEO tactics that they feel take away from the user experience. The challenge is that when Google makes an algorithm change the impact can be quick, swift, and devastating. Many businesses have spent thousands of dollars removing bad links and improving content in an attempt to get back in Google’s good graces. Avoid potential issues and focus on creating a website that is helpful, informative, authentic and delivers clear value to the reader. As Google continues to make changes businesses that focus on organic marketing will crush the competition.