Create, Track and Grow with Pinterest Marketing

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Create, Track and Grow with Pinterest Marketing

As more users are drawn to Pinterest this social media platform has become an important SEO tool. When planning your Pinterest marketing strategy, keep in mind that it is more than a social media platform. Due to its comprehensive search features and the fact that Pinterest makes board recommendations, the site is frequently used as a search substitute for Google when users are conducting an image based query.

Local businesses can benefit from using Pinterest marketing to increase brand exposure, engage with users, and promote their products and services.

Pinterest Marketing Tips

Name your images. Every time you upload an image make sure that the file is named appropriately to give you SEO benefit. For example, if you are a bakery uploading an image of a cake, you can use indicators such as the flavor, color, or style. Use these same keywords and more in your Pinterest description. Be as detailed as possible, for example, “chocolate Dora girls birthday cake”. This way when someone types in chocolate cake, Dora cake, girls cake or birthday cake – your image has the opportunity to come up. Remember that Pinterest will make recommendations based on your descriptions just like Google brings up websites that they feel are relevant to a user’s search query.

Participate with your audience. When someone likes your pin, shares it or follows you – engage with them. You can send direct messages and thank them for their follow and ask them to share your entire board with their fans. This is an excellent way to increase your audience and overall exposure. With social media, it always helps to promote other people as they are promoting you so be sure to share their board as well.

Create catchy boards. There are a million generic boards. When planning your Pinterest marketing, create boards with catchy and interesting titles. Just be sure to include common keywords as well. For example, if you have a landscaping company don’t label your board “backyards”. Instead, try “perfect backyards for entertaining outdoors”. This way you can create multiple boars based on niche searches within your business. For ideas, think about why your customers contact you or work with you. A board should be dedicated to each one of these reasons.

Once your boards are created, it is important to know which of your Pinterest marketing tactics are working so that you can continue to improve your strategy. Pinterest analytics has improved greatly so you can now see how people are engaging with your pins from your website and from the social media site directly. In order to use these new tools, you need to have a Pinterest business account. Once you login you can see your top five pins and how many repins, clicks, and likes they have gotten. With this social media tool, you can see your top 50 pins overall and how people interacted with them along with information on what your audience is looking for. These analytics can help you to improve your overall Pinterest marketing strategy which can improve your SEO and social media engagement overall. In fact, when people do a search for your business in Google your Pinterest profile may just pull up so take the time to keep it updated and current.