Title Piquing Can Cause a Commotion on Your Blog

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Title Piquing Can Cause a Commotion on Your Blog

Selecting the right title for your blog post is essential for effective content marketing. The title of your post needs to be both catchy and informative in order to stand out from the crowd. The challenge can be understanding what types of titles appeal to your reader base. Once good way to test this is through social media.

When you write your next blog post, run a title test at the same time. Pick two different titles. For example, 7 Gifts She Will Absolutely Love and How to Pick the Perfect Gift. These two titles should both represent the content found within your blog but be positioned differently. You can then test out the effectiveness of your content marketing by posting a link to each piece on a social media site like Twitter. This should be done at the same time of day but an hour apart. After waiting for 24 hours, use a site like bufferapp.com to check the statistics and find out which blog got the most reads, shares, favorites, and retweets. The performance will give you an idea of the type of titles that appeal to your reader base. By testing them on a regular basis, you can start to create titles based on statistical data.

Content Marketing Tips

There are ways to expand the impact of your blog post and to selecting the right title is one of them. Studies have shown that specific types of titles tend to do well with the general public. Here are some tips to try before writing and posting your next blog on social media:

Make a list. People enjoy reading blogs that are broken down into list format. For example, The 10 Best Movies of the Summer or 5 Ways to Clean Your Car Quickly. When you break a concept down, it is easier to read and retain the information. People can quickly skim your blog to find nuggets of relevant data that they can use.

Use the word “why”. When you add “why” to the beginning of your post, you will increase the number of readers. This one word indicates a wealth of information is available after clicking on the post.

Once you have written your next blog, and tested out the title, make sure to post it on various social media sites. When promoting your content marketing, make small variations to get the most traction possible out of the piece. If you make a list, you can take one tip at a time and promote it across different channels with a read more link. This is an excellent way to get more traction without extra work. Stay consistent, provide valuable information, and use a catchy title to watch your content marketing have a greater impact.